(4)Lost Temple

4 Starting mines $12,500
4 Natural exps $12,500
4 Corner exps $12,500

Neutral Buildings
2 Goblin Laboratories (NW and SE)
2 Goblin Merchants (NE and SW)
1 Fountain of Health

mines are thousands, hundreds
creeps are number of creatures:sum of creature levels

Start Mines 1L6Rock GolemL5
1L4Forest Troll BerzerkerL1
2L4Forest Troll Berzerker
Expansion Mines 2L4Forest Troll BerzerkerL2,L3
1L3Forest Troll Trapper
1L2Forest Troll Shadow Priest
N, E, S, W center 1L3Gnoll Brute
2L1Gnoll Poacher
NW, SE courtyard 1L4Forest Troll BerzerkerL2
1L3Forest Troll Trapper
1L2Forest Troll PriestL1
NE, SW courtyard 1L5Ogre MaulerL2
1L3Gnoll BruteL1
1L1Gnoll Poacher
Fountain of Health 2L3Gnoll WardenL2,L4
2L3Gnoll Assassin
2L3Gnoll Brute
Goblin Labs 1L7Ogre LordL6
3L3Ogre Warrior
Goblin Mercenaries 1L6Rock GolemL6
1L4Forest Troll High Priest
2L4Forest Troll Berzerker
NE and SW mines 1L6Rock GolemL4
1L4Forest Troll Berzerker
1L2Forest Troll Shadow Priest
NW and SE mines 1L9Granite GolemL7
2L6Red Drake

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